We may have only just come out of winter but here at Real Weather, we’re already planning for next winter! We have so many requests, so early in the year, asking what the following winter may bring.
At the moment it is impossible to go into exact details, long range forecasting isn’t an exact science. However, as forecasters, we can access a wide range of climatological data including long range data and signals.
This summer we see a switch from La Niña to El Niño which is expected to bring a warm summer across Europe, not including the UK.
For Winter 2023-24, we see the El Niño phase peaking around December and previous El Niño winters for the UK normally deliver colder weather but also drier winters, we’ve also seen some rather severe cold spells during a El Niño phase in winter.
Will UK winter 2023-24 be a cold one?
Based on current long range data, UK Winter 2023-24 is likely to be generally drier compared to previous winters and colder, increasing the risk of more snowfall events.